Thursday, July 14, 2011

Aigle - Switzerland

Hi all, got a bit of time to spare while on training camp so thought I'd write a bit of an update! We have now been in Aigle for 8 days, and they have been full on from day one.

Aigle is the home of the UCI, International Cycling Union. They are the governing body that basically run cycling anywhere in the world. We are staying at Mon Sejour, they call it a hotel but I wouldn't go as far as saying that... There are a number of athletes that come from all over the world and are looking afterby the UCI. They train and race here, so I'd call it more of a sports hostel. We stay in small rooms with bunk beds, communal showers and bathrooms, but at the end of the day it has everything we need, and I'm not complaining! Breakfast is early, 6.45-8am. On the road training by 9am.

Our accommodation - Mon Sejour

We're on the 2nd level

View from front door on a nice afternoon

Aigle is surrounded by mountains, so we've been making the most of them. One of the climbs starts in Aigle, climbs up to Bois de Luan, is around 15km long at an average gradient of 9%, takes around an hour to climb. Perfect way to start a long ride... Every direction you look from our front door you can virtually climb a different hill. There is a 200m track at the UCI center which we have also been using once a week, along with some gym sessions a few times a week.

We've been training pretty hard, and doing not a lot else than training and recovering. Still getting my uni work done which is good. Another 9 days in Switzerland then back to Belgium for a bit of racing before heading to France to race Mi-Aout Bretagne, a 4 day tour on the West side of France.

Enjoying training and not having to worry about racing for once. But will be ready once we have to race again in France...


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